I started World Aviation TV in March 2013, when I was looking for a new name for my YouTube Channel. At this time I was living in the United States, so from the beginning my target group were the USA and Germany. Since then I united my spotting images and youtube video under this brand, if you wanna call it this.
On video I focus on videos captured from the inside of commercial flights as a passenger, flights in a Cessna will follow soon. My photography is spotting where ever I go. When I am travelling I use the time at airports to catch some planes, unfortunatelly windows are limiting the quality, plus I don't have much space watching lighting conditions. My active spotting side is in Hamburg EDDH, where I use different positions around the airport, depending on the time of the day and the active runways. In the future I will do more spotting trips to various airports.
A: Rudolf-Klug-Weg 9
22455 Hamburg
T: + 040 20953775
E: maxwohlerdt@web.de